Absolute beast of a being. An icon for the human kind to look up to. Generally a great guy.
Jacob Tomlinson is beast
To lock your keys in the car
Michael: Hey Jacob, wanna play some fibbage?
Jacob: Sorry man, I can't right now. I've locked my keys in the car... Again.
Michael: Really... Again? That's such a Jacob thing to do. You might even call it, pulling a Jacob.
Sexy, Beutiful, and super sexy.
Smart and cool too
But unable to get a girlfriend...
Jacob Austin is sexy!
a short skinny dark haired male with fuckboy additudes and gay ass haircuts. also pretends to be depressed
jacob macaroni shut the hell up
Someone who likes to suck a lot of cock, and not treat women right. In bed he is usually a bottom and smells like a run down abandoned K Mart.
God that kid smells like a K mart, he must be a Jacob Henderson, look he sucks a lot of cock too.
the best creamy tasteful crunchy yummy crackers u could ever eat
“if u don’t like jacobs crackers i am so sorry”