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butters to the max

Ugly in the extreme

Nah mate Sharon is butters to the MAX

by Anonymous July 25, 2003

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Max Byrne

A all out very awsome dude very and some and a nynfo who can get any girl ever. Max means Large Penis in Russian. He is somthing many women come to see a great man handsome and smart cool in all situations he dwells in the land of chicago suburbs and pimps many women along with is many homies orlando carlos abel jesse jordan erik micheal noah steven raul exc one great man you would love him if you ment his native american sexy love.

Oh I love Max Byrne he is so hot!

by Max Byrnes girlfriend October 22, 2012

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max the envelope

word used to encourage someone at a particular sport to try harder. the 'envelope' is their goal. its rather a peculiar slogan, but quite a funny thing to say to someone who you want to succeed.

(1) so jeff, hows it going with that girl you've been talking to??
(2) pretty good, i'm going to go over to her now.
(1) wait, jeff!
(2) yes??
(1) max the envelope!
(2) you bet i will player!

by lox the ox February 18, 2006

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Max Verstappen

The 2021 World Champion in F1, an absolute Dutch Legend.

"Who is the world champion in 2021?"
Max Verstappen, man

by F1 Featherly December 15, 2021

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Maxed out

The feeling of debilitating lethargy that steals over one after a night (or nights) of heavy excess.

*Knock on door* *Door opens revealing haggard, molting, late adolescent/early 20's male enveloped in duvet*

"Wow dude, you look like shit"
"I know. What d'ya want?"
"Huh?..It's time to play football obviously"
"No f**king way man. I'm 100% maxed out after last night"
"Omg, whatever fag"

*Door slams. Dialogue ends*

by Peter who is better than you January 14, 2008

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max thompson

a rare and inteligent beast, which is said so have ruled the women in acient times. max thompson was thought a myth because many beatifull women told storys of the ledgendary max thompson with a way with women that could only be dectibed as MASSIVE!!. it is said that the only thing to out do his unhumanly good looks, was the size of his penis, last recorded at 17 inches!!

"well it's not exactly a 'max thompson, but i guess 10 inches is ok.

by Max thompson August 15, 2003

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Max and ruby

Ruby is a little shit that kidnapped max and that’s why you never see there parents and there grandma is a robot and was told to go kill there parents and all of there relatives and the dupshit max eats birds

Max and ruby *ruby* ahh yes some drugs for max this should shut him up

by Caillou/thebalddipshit June 15, 2020

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