When you're listening to 50's music in your headphones at a very low volume and suddenly get the feeling that you're sitting in a movie theater before the previews and there is light music playing in the background as you talk to your friends.
Whoa I think I'm experiencing The Movie Theatre Affect.
This is code word in the homosexual underground metal community for "I can suck a mean cock".
Many people in the heavy metal underground scene use this phrase to discreetly pick up on homosexuals. The reason for the discretion is that being gay is typically frowned upon amongst the Heavy Metal community. So if you are trying to pick up a gay dude publically and don't want people to know that you are a cock craving butt lover, just tell them "I can watch the fuck out of a movie". Those that are "in the know" in the heavy metal community will quickly accept the offer and allow you to suck his cock since he will now know that you can suck a mean cock.
So I was at a straight bar and ran into a gay dude, I told him "I can watch the fuck out of a movie"....... 2hrs later, I was sucking his cock.
"Hey, how do I let a fag know that I can suck a mean cock?". "Tell them You can watch the fuck out of a movie", that is code for "I can suck a mean cock".
The best couple ever. #CoupleGoals
everyone ships itttt
Chick Flicks = for Girls Night Movies
Teen movies
girly movie = teen movies, for girls
Girly Films I've Seen
Some of these films are more teen films, Some are so bad I can't believe I am admitting to watching them.
Chick Flicks = for Girls Night Movies
Teen movies
girly movie = teen movies, for girls
Girly Films I've Seen
Some of these films are more teen films, Some are so bad I can't believe I am admitting to watching them.
A person who always farts when their butt is exposed.
The term derives from a common cliché in films, whenever an exposed butt is seen, there’s always a fart.
I always fart whenever I go take a shit, I think I have a movie butt.
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