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a white nerd who hate black people and say nigger all the time when he talks to girls he asks for their robloxs account then when they say no he get mad and crys

i’m just like ANDY cuzz i hate niggers

by austin reeves June 3, 2022


A word streamers use to identify types of people. Usually preceded by an adjective or a descriptor, we are all a type of Andy.

Chatter: "It's 12PM where I live :)"
Streamer: "Looks like we got a Mountain Time Andy over here, chat"

by cyucumber February 1, 2022


A blonde hair, blue eyed kid that loves to smoke weed and vape. hes chill asf and has a huge dick

friend: yo can andy lend us sum weed
friend #2: nah he prolly smoked it all

by jackbrander August 2, 2019


A horrible, misogynistic, homophobic, racist, pedophilic man who grooms children and name should only be mentioned in sentences that give him a worse reputation than he already has. He has sexualized many, made rape jokes and made many girls uncomfortable.

Andy is a terrible man!

by Liv👁‍🗨 November 30, 2021


A seven-inch, 5'8, dread-headed corny dark-skinned nigga who is sweet beyond belief and my go-to guy 😍

Whore #1: "Ooo, Andy so fine"
Me: "No, back off bitch, he's mine"

Whore #2: *Plays with Andy's dreads*
Me: "Back off, I own those dreads df"

Whore #3: "Andy corny asf, Ion want him"
Me: "Yea he is corny as a mf but he mines so I suggest you fuck off"

by ShutUpPlease6546 April 22, 2022


When you unleash a bowel movement so vile, so cataclysmically foul, that it feels like your very soul is trying to evacuate your body. This isn’t just a poop—it’s an exorcism. The second it leaves you, the toilet groans in protest. The walls absorb the trauma. The air thickens to the consistency of expired gravy. Birds outside fall silent. Somewhere, a distant car alarm goes off.

The consistency? Indescribable. It’s like hot magma mixed with expired pudding, with a splash zone so extensive it makes Chernobyl look like a minor incident. You try to wipe, but each pass of the toilet paper only seems to spread the damage. It’s like trying to dry off in a hurricane with a single tissue. Your fingers make accidental contact. The toilet paper roll trembles in fear.

Your only option? Full-scale biohazard containment. You strip down to your very essence, stepping into the shower like a war refugee. The water turns brown on impact. You scrub with a level of desperation usually reserved for crime scene cleanups. The drain begins to gurgle—even it wants no part of this. You question your diet, your life choices, and whether you need to alert the CDC.

Even after the scalding shower, you don’t feel clean. The ghost of this dump lingers in your soul. Your bathroom will never be the same. Your dignity is lost forever.

Janelle knew she had made a grave mistake when she ignored Michelle’s warning about the gas station sushi. An hour later, she was in Michelle’s bathroom, gripping the sink for dear life as she endured the most explosive, soul-shattering bowel event of her existence. The toilet begged for mercy. The walls absorbed the horror. When she finally stood up, she took one look at the devastation and realized—this wasn’t a simple wipe situation. This was a full-scale decontamination effort.

Janelle stepped into the shower, defeated. When she finally emerged, hair wet and eyes hollow, Michelle took one sniff of the air, gagged, and whispered, ‘Jesus, Janelle… you pulled an Andy.’”

by dr.costco February 1, 2025


Only the coolest dude on the planet, is always called gay but knows it isn’t true, has a 8-inch dick and loves it, and only the coolest of the friends group

Wow dude, that man is so Andy.

by Loliisnotillegal April 20, 2018