Source Code

Football noobs

Football noobs is a fun addicting game created by Sackboy1055. The lack of scripting makes it fun, it’s getting better updates every day. When there is comp it makes it fun.

‘Football noobs’ has bad scripts but so addictive

by OreoSips March 29, 2021

Ninja Noob

A queen that everyone should definitely simp for and if not what's the point of your existence

Let me be your door mat Ninja Noob

by I live in New Jersey September 1, 2021

the yellow noob

cool man

the yellow noob is a cool man

by the yellow noob August 11, 2021


one that clearly has not considered how to survive the coming zombie apocalypse, will make noise in built-up areas, will drive car into heavy traffic, will take the tunnel

Rick is such an apoca-noob in the TV show, I can't wait for them to catch up with bad-ass rick from the comics.

by ddude119 October 18, 2011

Dark Noob

Dark Noob is a NEEEEEEERDD insane adventure doo doo
marcos no espacing now

Person 1: you know who Dark Noob is?
Person 2: yeah a NEEEEEEERDDDDD

by RealDark_NoobYT April 27, 2022

Noob Tackle

When more experienced players/users of a game/program/forum/website gang up on a noob or one over enthusiastic user goes into a comment-cherry-popping, useless-item-giving frenzy over a noob.

The unfortunate noob was found dead under piles of useless information after the noob tackle ended.

by yoo-hoo February 9, 2010

noob flood

A period of heightened activity in an online multiplayer game when new players arrive in droves.

During this period, veterans help acclimate the newcomers (by fragging them over and over), while the game hosts deal with the increased server demand (and the coincidental flood of vets complaining about flood-induced lag and outages).

Typically caused by said players acquiring the game for Christmas—often months or years after the game was first released—but also on the rare occasions that a paid game becomes free to play.

Noob flood = easy mode achievements

FFS LEARN TO HEAL MORON!! i'm sick of this noob flood

by unce unce June 25, 2011