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paper beats rock

If someone goes for a pound and you go for a high 5 and cover their fist, you say "paper beats rock." If done intentionally this should be considered a diss worse than to leave hanging.

He tried to pound it so I went for a paper beats rock. He was so embarrassed, he had to leave the party.

by MNH11 May 15, 2011

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Looks Better on Paper

When someone's interests and hobbies match up perfectly with yours (for example, the answers often filled in on social networking websites), but your personalities do not.

"On his facebook profile he said he was into vintage, indie rock, and coffee, so I thought we'd be a perfect match. When we hung out he was totally lame. I guess he just looks better on paper."

by erinn windsor April 16, 2009

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Tough Paper Cut

1. Someone who's all talk & no action.

2. Someone who claims they're so tough, & when it comes to it, they pussy out.

3. Someone who acts tough on the phone/computer & then when you see them in person, they act all pussy.

4. Someone who talks shit & say they can/are going to "kick your ass" ; yet when you go to comfront them, they pussy out.

Friend 1: Did you hear about what Suzie did?

Friend 2: I know, she totally called Amber a bitch! And when Suzie went to comfront her, she denied everything & pussied out!

Friend 1: Yeah! She acts like such a Tough Paper Cut.

by Anairiax3 August 3, 2011

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paper in my pooper

When you have a massive wad of toilet paper stuck to your contracting sphinkter hole, it sticks, and you want to pick it. This happens after a massive shit.

You- "Damn dawg i got paper in my pooper"
Your friend- "Yo dawg dont pick that shit you will get an infection"

Then you pick it, and the next day your ass falls off.

by dookie_LOVER-bitches May 21, 2005

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toilet paper fort

A type of Fort you make made out of toilet paper which usually results as being caught and kicked out

Janie made a toilet paper fort in walmart

by Jade and janie December 25, 2016

toilet paper warden

A person (typically the leader of a sizeable household) that rations out bungwipe on an as-needed basis.
The need for toilet paper wardens became evident when the COVD-19 (coronavirus) pandemic of 2020 caused massive hoarding (and subsequent depletion) of rollios across the United States.

Kim has volunteered to become the toilet paper warden of the Trowbridge household because little Heidi upstairs has been going through massive amounts of paper toliets in attempts to grow algae and fungi in cups.

by Telephony March 27, 2020

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toilet paper literature

-a piece of literature that more people should use it to wipe their ass, then reading it

Romeo and Juliet is toilet paper literature. Once I ran out toilet paper to wipe my ass, so I use a page of that shitty book to get the job done.

by john niemand September 1, 2015