When you sick a straw like thing up a girls pussy and suck it out like a Capri Sun
Last night me and my boyfriend tried Capri Sun
The act of sucking a drink(usually alcoholic) through a straw. Similar to how fast you can drink CapriSun
Johnny Capri Sun every long island last night and got crosseyed
after swallowing a load of James chode
woah it was so big I had two capri suns.
Best drink ever. Its the best AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!!!!!
Oh yeah, capri-sun tastes like a banger!
The name given to the endless trailer park ghetto in North Reno. It is especially dangerous in the wintertime as snow will often hide the heroin needles and condoms that lay on the sidewalk.
Sun Valley Nevada is the exact opposite of Sun Valley Idaho.
Often referring to a trailer park but rarely also poor naborhoods or apartments, slang often used as a nicer alternative
"As smart at she is it's a shame that she's stuck in a sun Valley"
Using a mans natural protein as a form of performance enhancer.
When it's time for her 10th protein shake of the day so she grabs your ankles,holds you upside down and gives you the human capri sun by sucking the nut right out of you.