Jamming your thumb down a girls neck
Imma give her the ol' Kentucky plug after she gives me blumpkin
The sexual act of inserting ones thumb into any exposed bodily orifices to provide stimulation to an open wound.
(It has also been known to cause death prevention).
She super glued my furby so when I shoved it up my ass it proceeded attach to just rectum. When I pulled it back out my ass was squirting blood, so my girl gave me the Kentucky Plug to stop the bleeding and saved my prostate.
The sex position where you ram a thumb inside the recieving persons asshole in order to possibly save their life from an exploding barrel
"Damn Scott, your girl is walking funny! What did you do to her last night?"
"I gave her the Kentucky Plug"
The sexual act of ramming a thumb into a persons asshole to save them from a hot load
"Damn Scott, your girl is walking funny! What happened last night?"
" I gave her the Kentucky plug"
This is the act of sticking ones thumb into an orifice for sexual gratification, preferably an orifice created by a wound, such as from a catastrophic malfunction of a firearm causing shrapnel to fly into your neck.
When that .50 cal exploded I had to Kentucky Plug my neck! Just stick a thumb in it!
During intercourse, you say "what's up everybody my names Scott and we're going to do a penitration test today" and jam your thumb in a hole of your choosing
My ass is really sore after Brandon gave me the Kentucky plug last night
When there is a hole that needs to be filled *inserts thumb*
Kentucky Ballistics 2021
my Neck