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Short bus

A bus for kids with brain damage.

Oh that guy rides a short bus, he probably like logan paul.

by Bruh moment 69420 yeet man December 16, 2019

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Karmin Bus

It is the short bus version of the full size karma bus. Wishing the karmin bus on a person is a serious threat made by adults with the mentality of a 3 year old.

The Karmin Bus is circling around you like vultures on a rotting carcass.

Damn that Karmin Bus just ran my ass over, then backed up and ran me over again.

I was happily rolling around in my chair, minding my own business in the campground, when all of a sudden a stick jumped out and into my spokes. I fell over and I tumbled out so fast, all was seen was ass and feet. That was Karmin paying me a visit.

by The Champ ;) November 22, 2015

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big bus

A big buss is someone who is natural wild and enjoys getting blind off an alcoholic beverage sending cliffs into water and rooting girls like no tomorrow

That big buss at your party should no be allowed back

by Big buss December 20, 2017

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School bus

A free trasnport service to hell

I saw that yellow bus that comes everyday to take me to hell. Its the School bus

by LB- February 27, 2022

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scool bus


I got scool busses

by Oeyvind11 November 22, 2016

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Bus wanker

Someone who travels on a bus

Look at that bus wanker

by How you doin 98 October 25, 2017

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Bus Stopper

A person who don't wash his or her ass before getting on a public bus. The smell gets into people's windpipes,and they start gagging for air. A customer pulls the rope for the bus to stop,and then they get off 20 miles before their normal stop.

Bus driver, stop this damn bus ! There is a bus stopper on this bitch ! I will walk the rest of the way,because that chick (stank)!!

by picklebaby February 22, 2012

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