When your accent changes frequently as a result of hanging out with people of a different speech pattern.
“When I hang out with my British friends too often, I develop a British accent.”
“Sounds like you’ve got Johnny Depp Syndrome!”
when the furry design looks ok or bad in art but is absolute dogshit on a roblox rig
glubby from kp is a great example of the TFE syndrome
This term is used to describe a spouse or significant other who claims to have boarded the "anti-fostering train", but is then often caught loving on and sneaking snuggles with the SNARL foster.
My husband has SNARL Spouse Syndrome when it comes to fostering more animals.
u are unable to talk to Kai (me) for a long period of time which results in u being cranky,emotional,distressed, anxious and just flat out depressed. This syndrome will not leave your body untill you send Kai a pic of your Calcium cannons when you get home.
Angeli is going to suffer through Not Talking To Kai Syndrome during that camping trip
When a famous person who generally stays out of politics suddenly becomes extremely political for seemingly no reason.
Harry Belafonte Syndrome was named for the actor and musician of the same name (Duh). He was very popular and famous until the mid-late 2000s, when he suddenly revealed that he is a registered democrat. Suddenly, he became an extreme liberal activist. He even said in 2012 that anyone who opposes the re-election of Barack Obama should be sent to prison. This statement landed him in very hot water, and he was harshly censured before effectively falling off the face of the earth. However, he is still alive, and his liberal activism is still dominant over his musical talent.
A male or female with a big head with a skinny and body
Do you have lolly pop syndrome
When you spend a morning shitting like a flock of starlings taking off.
Feck me that's the last time I drink there, I don't know what sue puts in her pipes but I haven't stopped shitting all morning.....ive got proper three kings syndrome today......How's your arse Jevii?