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Big Ass Fucking Boulder

A slang term for Boulder from popular children's television show "Thomas The Tank Engine"

"Hey, do you watch Thomas The Tank Engine?"
"Nah, that shit's for losers and 4 year olds, except for Big Ass Fucking Boulder, he's cool."

by the tax evasion guy July 21, 2023

Vick Stickin or Big Vick Stickin

It could be a verb a noun and adjective either doing something positive or negative depending on the situation and person.

Vick Stickin or Big Vick Stickin

It’s 105 degrees with humidity of 120 and Maria decides to turn on the heater to 90 degrees and serve her family hot soup… She’s Big Vick Stickin


There’s hella bitches at the party and Wesley pulls up to the party with even more bitches…. He’s Big Vick Stickin


“Ayo Stick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” When callin for your friend/family from a distance

by The Streets of California November 29, 2022

big cap, small lies

When you make a really big lie, and then make smaller lies or excuses to back up the big lie.

“I totally went to class! I didnt skip. i’m a good kid.”

by pdotbk December 19, 2019

Big Topper


1) A person who is the best at his profession,job or hobby

2) A person who is a circus groupie

1) You see how that guy just double teamed those two broads? That is why he is the Big Topper

2) Dude, elephants, clowns and those dumbass niggas taming those lions are not cool, how did you become such a Big Topper

by The Big Topper June 5, 2010

Big Dork

A term of endearment


by acebondange April 25, 2015

Church of the Big 180

Repeated public lies that reveal a rhetorical pattern where simply to misinform is not sufficient; rather, one's lies must be as close as possible to the exact opposite of the truth, prompting speculation that this represents a form of worship for the inversion of truth.

Senator Doubledown smiled as he held up a snowball before his peers. "Looks like it's getting colder to me," he said, simultaneously securing a promotion to cardinal in The Church of the Big 180 (CoB 180).

by jimbo92107 May 22, 2015

big d lace

Big D Lace is the manliest man of all time. He emanates testosterone and makes every man around him feel lesser.

E.g. "Hey bro, I saw this absolute stallion at the mall before."
"He sounds like a bit of a Big D Lace to me."
"I know right!!!"

by Rossssssss September 21, 2021