Really annoying girl in third greade that doesn’t stfu
“Molly nevruz is a annoying”
name given to girls with a big bunda
wow she’s lenggg she must be called molly adam with that juicy a$$
look at yanitza cleaning left over cum off the sheets Molly the maid ass bitch
A very special girl who is the skibidiest of them all
Woah watch out for a molly pegan her skibidiness is too strong!
someone who goes out at night with someone else's car and stays out later then they/she/he should.
Everynight I go to bed u come in and steal my keys,When I wake up at 3AM,and your gone you have Road Mollied me!
The smell of a fish monger (Molly Malone) from a womans genitalia.
The smell of Molly Gowl off her!
A word used in a small hick town to describe a male on male blowjob. Often used in code to trade oral sex for pills.
Corey asks, hey Nick do you have any of them Hydros left? Nick says, yeah man I have 3 or 4 and I'll take 40 for them all! Corey says I don't have that much money man. Nick says it's all good just meet me behind that dumpster and give me an old fashioned Molly Moocher and everything will be fine!