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Ryan Crowley

A person that use any weapon as drum gun but gets clapped in games .

Who is Ryan Crowley again ?

by Yourdadsgreen May 15, 2019

Ryan png

Ryan png, another term for Singaporean homosexual. They are usually Chinese who speaks Malay and love getting their ass ate by other men. Ryan Pngs are known for being very openly homosexual in public. They rape children from the ages or 1-5. They also choke themselves while masturbating. A group of Ryan Pngs are known as the homos. They love frotting and gay sex.

Ryan png: I want suck konek kau siaaa bodoooh

Shazvin: okay

by Osama bin hosni November 21, 2021

1👍 1👎

ATK Ryan

‘ATK Ryan’ is the online Rust Console Edition community’s equivalent of a ‘Karen,’ but far worse. If one is labeled as an ‘ATK Ryan,’ rest assured, this is no complement. Loosely labeled as an ‘ATK Ryan,’ this undoubtedly signals to other online Rust gamers that the established party frequently engages in cheating, harassment of other players by way of text/voice communications, and is altogether dishonest. An ‘ATK Ryan’ will routinely establish ‘friends’ through a false set of promises, only to become a RAT. An ‘ATK Ryan’ has also quickly come to identify a lewd sexual position, involving two online gamers; both male. This sexual position involves the cultivation of seabutter from the ocean and using it to lubricate the inner anal cavity of one or both male gamers.

Honest Gamer just grief’d by an unknown Rust player: ‘Dude, wtf, don’t be an ATK Ryan!’

Sexual Position: ‘Cody… bring over the seabutter and let’s have us an ATK Ryan tonight!’

by IrishScrote June 13, 2021

Ryan Gosling

Literally me

Im literally Ryan Gosling(I drive)

by DecafRhombus254 August 21, 2023

Ryan Ross

extremely talented and intellegent lyricist and guitarist of Panic At The Disco who owns many amazing hobbit scarves and Writes confusing songs with words that sound like he randomly looked them up on Wikidictionary...he is amazing and one of the founding members of Panic

random person-OMG, where did u find those awesome scarves
ryan ross-i stole them from Frodo when i was in the Shire
brendon-ry, i cant think of any words to rhyme with orange
ry-try randomly searching words on Wikidictionary
random person- *stares blankly at Ryan's total awesomeness*

by igloosluvthedisco March 16, 2009

150👍 20👎

Ryan Giggs

Initially famous for being an above average footballer, winning loads of awards, trophies and medals, his fame has been catapulted into infamy due to recent allegations concerning his private life, and the efforts he is willing to make to conceal such allegations.

Although some celebrities are quite happy to be punished by tabloid newspapers for their infidelity, Ryan Giggs believes he can use a team of highly paid, short-sighted, cretinous london lawyers to silence not only the british press but also the internet.

Given the british public's desire for a right to freedom of speech and information, they decided to give this idea the middle finger by repeatedly spreading and publishing the story of Ryan Giggs' ploughing of Imogen Thomas all over social networking site Twitter. It is estimated that more people have read about the story online now than the entire daily readership of the daily british press. Therefore the aforementioned Giggs looks like a bit of a silly sausage.

Consequently to 'ryan giggs' is to throw millions of pounds at people, lawyers, judges and attorneys to try and keep a story quiet. And failing.

Ryan Giggs put a superinjunction on my face

by hegemonicracoon May 23, 2011

90👍 11👎

Ryan Higa

A person with heart of gold makes everyone laugh. Takes hearts of a billion women. The master of puns. A person who defines perfection.

Habitat: Las Vegas, Nevada

Pray: hot pockets
Colour most attracted to: green

A ryan higa ate the last hot pocket in the fridge

by MishamigoRS April 18, 2017

43👍 4👎