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not about that

another word for taira or lackell, something you aren’t about

@ not about that

by lackell December 9, 2018

what about a phrase

you are one of the most intelligent people. you saw it said type any WORD but as you know urban dictionary also defines phrases so you typed in "what about a phrase''. welcome to the community *gets a bunch of people to gather for you and start clapping*

*looks at search bar* hmmm, wait what about a phrase?

by wtf is a pseudonym?????????? May 21, 2019

Smacked about

When somebody gets battered and embarrassed during a fight

Oh Katelyn’s a wee poof she got smacked about easy.

by JustAWeeEmoLassie July 2, 2018

not about it

more proper version of not bout it.

My annoying desk job; I am not about it.

by bhaddie_1994 January 21, 2019

feelings about you

Mixed feelings about you

I love you but i feel deception and distrust there for I have mixed feelings about you

by Soultrain Princess December 23, 2019

mill about

to go around without any purpose

don't mill about here if you don't want to confront a wild animal

by xdeuce June 29, 2022

Tie a bit of twine about that

A synonym of the phrase "Fuck It", typically used by those with an agricultural background.

"I'm so broke but I want to go out" "Ah sure tie a bit of twine about that, be grand"

by countyculchie March 9, 2016