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butters ting

someone who is quite simply rather unnattractive , usually to the point of a passer-by physically heaving up vomit on seeing such abutters ting

Normal Man: Hey Normal Man2 , look at that butters ting

Nomral Man2: Don't take the piss out of him mate, I think he might have an actual disorder

Butters ting: No , I AM just butters ting

Normal Man3: WTF ! I was actually worried about you and that you were disabled, but you're just butters ting, you fucking fruad

Butters Ting: Hey I'm not asking for any trouble here

Author's final social note on matter:Unfortunately, any person who is butters ting will always be asking for trouble with the face that they possess

by Willis McGee July 26, 2006

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Stutter Butter

a term used acting as a product that doesn't cure but effeciently dissolves speech impairments for a flexible period of hours. this product is not real but primarily used in a form of sarcasm or methods/techniques of minimum to severe bullying. a high dosage of this is said to lead to stutteritus and sometimes overdose.

Richard Stutterman- damn i wrote a long grocery list last night.

· stutter butter
· stutter alfredo
· macoroni and double double-c cheese
· sunny Deep breathe
· a gallon of depression
· 12 pack of Dr. Pauseineverysentence
· and a please dont leave me Baby Ruth

by bulletface May 1, 2015

satchel butter

A man's cum; semen.

"Hey Dave, what did you do last night?"

"Tara came over and wanted to be glazed like a donut, so I painted her face with every ounce of satchel butter I had in my ball bag."

by Drunken38 July 5, 2019


Similar to sugar coating, butter coating is giving someone bad news to someone in a way that makes the bad news go down smooth.

"The doctor really butter coated my diabetes diagnosis today."

"Keenan, did you go home with the chubby girl from the coffee shop? Give me the details, and don't butter coat it!"

by Essdogger October 24, 2023

Poodoo Butter

The aftermath of an extremely beefy fart (preferebly wet)

Damn my ass itches, must be covered in poodoo butter

by Johny_wax-a-twat August 16, 2010

Swapping butters

When you're the bachelor at a stag party, and your friend's plate has a nicer piece of butter on it, so you decide to switch the plates

Yo, the butter on your plate looks nicer than mine, I'm swapping butters

by mandeepr April 5, 2019

Buttered nudes

Lubing yourself up whilst naked and sending pictures of yourself to lovers.

"Babe, I'm sad. Can you send some Buttered Nudes as a 'pick me up?"

by Filaddling sucks cock July 25, 2017