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boston college

A school where Bostonians are in a catch-22: They want to see a local college do well and compete in division one athletics, but since the school is comprised of douchebags, they secretly rejoice in BC's constant failures.

See "Inferiority Complex," "Douchebag," "Roofies," and "Date Rape" for further definitions

"I went out on a date with this guy wearing a "salmon" polo shirt with the collar popped, and he took me to the Cheesecake Factory. After sipping my lemonade, I felt weird, and woke up in his dorm room without my dignity. I then realized he was enrolled at Boston College."

by Boston Proper January 25, 2008

83πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž

college station

A small Texas college town that is fucking crazy for football, George W. Bush, and collies. A great place to recruit people for militias, line dancing, and other redneck good times. Not a good place to build bonfires.

Man those college station kids are militant bastards. But that said, you can't mock their line dancing skills.

by billy J. March 5, 2006

189πŸ‘ 287πŸ‘Ž

Kingston College

We do not give bun some of us look good all of us athletic if not dem prolly look ugly yf we will get grimmy wid u if we need to don’t mess wid the 6th formers they will frig u up and if u still seh we a battyman skl ur a tomato

Kingston College won Manning Cup

by random kc ute January 26, 2022

13πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Westminster College

Westminster College is a small school in Western PA that is known for its ugly, trampy female students and its stupid, cocky male students. The typical Westminster student is often drunk, throwing themselves at members of the opposite sex, and sleeping in puddles of their own urine. The school and its affiliates should be avoided at all costs.

Herb: Did you see that guy at the party last night?
Melissa: No, what happened?
Herb: He was so drunk that he had sex with an ugly girl from Westminster College!

by SRUroxmysox April 14, 2009

48πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž

Wagner college

A college located in Staten Island, NY that is full of wealthy, snotty ,rich kids, Who's parents are able to pay the full college tuition just by the interest in their bank account. 99% of the people here have parents that are involved in banking, investing or own a buisness.

Girl 1: Which 20 pairs of shirts should I get? Ralph Lauren or Lacoste?

Girl 2: I have all of them, but my favorite is that pink polo.

Girl 1 to cashier: Charge it please! Daddy's got it covered!

Girl 2: They should change the name to Fashion college, instead of Wagner college!

by Partyoverwhere? May 27, 2008

38πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

College Station

A small city known for its close sense of community and overall excellent living experience. Texas A&M University, an college highly recognized for its excellence in education, especially in science, is the central part of the town; at least 1/3 of the citizens are employed by TAMU. As a town enveloped in tradition, College Station is slow to change, which , in part, is what makes the town such a good place for families.

Hope this helps!

A conservative shithole who loves this armipit of a town.

PS: If you are artsy, liberal, and utterly insane, I highly recommend Austin.

College Station

by Aldrpc January 13, 2012

27πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

college girls

the best thing ever.

You know what the best thing ever is? College girls.

by nopster August 28, 2009

82πŸ‘ 121πŸ‘Ž