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Feeling some type of way

Being so upset about the death of your family that you become the villain of the next movie.

He may be feeling some type of way.

by Urbaxy February 9, 2021

12๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž

Go commit not feel so good

To fade away and die just like Spider-Man did in Avengers Infinity War.

Friend: Go Commit not feel so good.
Spider Man: I don't feel so good.....

*Fades Away*

by TheAngryNerd May 13, 2019

I can feel your pain

Something you would say to someone in a deep and relatable situation, especially when they are referring to their past and you had a similar past or a different past but still felt the same thing.

Oliver: All of my life, I have felt like nobody has given me attention
Katie: I can feel your pain

by Worse than JJ March 28, 2020

National confess your feelings day

Tell your crush you have feelings on 17th November

Just tell them itโ€™s national confess your feelings day

by Radiator November 16, 2019

I Donโ€™t Feel So Good

1. The phrase in which we all suffered extreme trauma.

2. A phrase some would use in order to torture us.

1. โ€œMr. Stark? I donโ€™t feel so good.โ€

*hyperventilating violently which tears streaming down face* โ€œDAMMIT PETER!โ€

2. Friend: *coughs slightly* โ€œI donโ€™t feel so good.โ€

*cries* โ€œNo... Peter.โ€

Friend: โ€œwho the hell is peter?โ€

by OtterlyEmusing October 17, 2018

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Moment in time when your body is so coked that a numbing sensation spreads starting at on your face.

2. Unused excitement that causes you to feel separated from your head.

3. Getting so excited when thinking about future events.

EX. 1: Guy 1: Hey Andrew i really hate being at work!

Guy 2: I know man it's so dead in here, I CAN'T FEEEL MY FACE!!!!

EX. 2: Guy 1: Bro you ready for tonight, I hear there is going to be crazy bitches gettin down.

Guy 2: I heard man I'm so excited I CAN'T FEEL MY FACE!!!!

by G THE G April 20, 2007

369๐Ÿ‘ 150๐Ÿ‘Ž

My eyes! They feel like needles!

What one screams in agony when one's eyes feel like needles.

Often shouted hysterically when hydrochloric acid, potassium permanganate, nitric acid, citric acid or some caustic or industrial chemical enters your eyes, and you can't help but scream in pain.

Greg Gregorius (after squirting orange juice in his eye): My eyes! They feel like needles!
Me: Here, let me gouge them out for you with this plastic spoon.
Greg: No, I'm quite fine, thanks.

by PaperMachete October 26, 2005

32๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž