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Ducking Lot

Playing duck duck goose in a parking lot

*hits blunt*
Bro 1: bro imagine playing duck duck goose in a parking lot
Bro 2: let’s call it a ducking lot bro
Bro 1: you’re a fucking genius bro
Bro 2: not as smart as you tho bro
Bro 1: Bro...

by yoyomario February 25, 2019

duck caru

Duck caru is a bulky duck that has no hair (bold) likes to wear blue shirt that smells like trash. And it is poor with its stinky 20 dollars money. It is fat and have no food to eat so it eat the food in the garbage.

damn! thats a duck caru! 🦆🚗

by _SlimzCarufam_ August 31, 2022

Duck friend

1. A duck that you consider as your friend
2. When you want to write fuck friend but you write duck friend because f is right next to d. The opposite can also be true

This is my duck friend ➡ 🦆

by WeAre300_kids May 14, 2022

Duck in a bowl

Royally screwing up. Irish saying originally. Derived from when ducks and other fowl were carried in baskets to/from market. As they are likely to shit while enroute, putting your duck in a bowl (used for eating) would be a bad idea, and an unwise move. You might say a foul (fowl?) idea.

I accidentally texted that last message to my mom! I really put my duck in a bowl this time!

by Wacky Wally April 21, 2017

Getting Duck

The act of Drinking until your ducked

"yo man are getting fucked yet?"
"nah, I'm getting ducked"

by lolperson1234 October 2, 2011

Duck Fuckers

Pornhub for ducks.

Duck 1: Oh look dude I got a notification from Duck Fuckers!

Notification- s3xyduckgirl69: Want to have some fun tonight? ;)

Duck 1: ohhhh yes ;)


Duck 2: So no plans tonight?

Duck 1: Actually yes, with that girl ;)

Duck 2: Oh guess they are cancelled Im going to be the one having the fun ;)

Duck 1: *shoots himself*

by bL0BbY BiTcH January 28, 2019

Duck Story

A song about ducks. The first one is the best.

Narrator Child: Can you tell me a duck story?

Me: A duck walked up to a lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand
"Hey! (bam bam bam) Got any grapes?"
The man said: "No, we just sell lemonade
But it's cold, and it's fresh, and it's all home-made!
Can I get you a glass?"
The duck said, "I'll pass."
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle

by Mr. Eltzroth January 19, 2023

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