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an overrated battle royal game for toddlers.

Fortnite is cancer.

by IDontCareWhatIPutHere January 17, 2019

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A game that ishowspeed made more popular by doing gay shit on the internet, causing 9 year olds to go ballistic and get horny asf over speed

Person 1: Hey wanna play fortnite

Perosn 2: sorry I dont want to contract life altering stage 4 tumor causing ishowspeed fanboy horny cancer gay syndrome

Person 3: Get the fuck out of my room I'm playing Minecraft!!!!

by LaggyFaggy April 26, 2022

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A game that common virgins play and that spam their Snapchat with " #1 Victory Royal "

" * Posts on snap * BRO ESSSSGETIIIIIIIII"
Fortnite is basically a virgins game

by AverageVirgin March 30, 2018

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Fortnite is a rip off that copy pasted from pubg ...
ex-minecraft/roblox players love this game

Guy1: Do you play fortnite? it's a great game.
Guy2: Why should i ? i'll just play pubg rather than that cartoon.

by A_Dire May 31, 2018

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Fortnite is a game that was created and made by EpicGames a long time ago. But it was released in 2017 (25 July), got viral. You can play fortnite on PS4, Nintendo Switch, XBox One, Microsoft/Windows, iOs, Mac OS. The point of the game is too survive from players that try to kill you it’s a survival game/battle royale.

Matt: Are you gonna break up with me just because i play fortnite instead of spending time with you?
Jessica: Yeah i am have fun playing fortnite.

by TSM_AK July 18, 2018

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An infectious disease that targets children.

He dude, where’s Jimmy? Oh Jimmy, he has Fortnite. Oh, poor guy.

by SuperMaanas November 11, 2018

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A battle royale style game played by nearly 200 million people. Up until about late June 2018, it was fun af. Than it got boring. Now, in 2019, the only people who play it are 8 year olds. Whenever you do a game a squads, someone’s mom is screaming in the background, yelling in Spanish. Everyone is a turbo sweat, so waste your time on other things, like Roblox or soccer.

Dude, Fortnite was so hype in January last year.
Bro, now it sucks!!

by Lil Rocket Man July 13, 2019

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