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the gas we pass

lets everyone know, that we can blame women for farts too. Women fart just as nasty as men.

The gas we pass is the same gas the women pass

by Will Reeeed April 22, 2009

Gas station weed

The type of shit to get you so high your eyes droop, your head explodes and your testosterone levels increase to the max

Victim:Don't never buy no weed from the gas station, bro. If the nigga ain't in your contacts, don't ever go to the gas station, bro. I went up there at 11 o'clock last night trynna get me some weed. Bro, I smoked that shit, woke up, my motherfucking eye was right here and my other eye is still right here. Explain, bro. I gotta go look for this nigga bro, what the fuck did you sell me, bro? Look at me, bro, I'm hideous!!

Friend: Gas station weed!? nigga are you serious?

by MrKata November 13, 2022

gas station gun

A firearm that is so poor in quality it might as well have been sold at a gas station. Typically found in stock at gun shops because nobody typically buys them, usually brands like Taurus, Hi-Point, Bersa, Stoeger, or SCCY.

Customer: Hey do you got any good guns for sale for a first time buyer?

Employee: Yea how much do you want to spend?

Customer: Well my budget is up to $350

Gun shop employee: alright let’s see what we have in our gas station gun cabinet.

by Cokeman234 August 22, 2021

Gas Mark Six

An absolute wallop of a hook, delivered after a person has just had it with a knob head.

Trevor just delivered the gas mark six on the fucker

by FrostPanic January 22, 2022

gas station hot

An attractive unkempt male. They are found often times wearing basketball shorts, dirty jeans, wife beaters and other clothing of the sort. Usually seen in passing at gas stations, grocery stores, and other similar locations.

That guy is gas station hot. I wouldn't date him but I would let him fuck me.

by Morningstar6066 December 2, 2017

Mexican Gas Card

A syphon ie. a long thin plastic tube used to steal gas from other peoples cars.

Hey Pedro, got any pesos for gas,
No chico, but i have my Mexican Gas Card

by J-Wedge June 2, 2006

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hum ga ling

1. An insult in cantonese, saying that one's whole family will go to hell
2. A classic LMF song

1. you're a hum ga ling!
2. diu le yee wai ji gei ho lung ying, diu la sing! u know what da fuck i'm saying? hum ga ling!

by bill12345 September 9, 2006

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