Wants to experiment with butt stuff but won’t admit it. Cares about his lifted Ford F350 more than you. Definitely a tit man. Eats a lot but never gains any weight. Keeps his money in a coffee can because he doesn’t trust banks. Thinks coffee is a hard drug but has a massive wang and shaves his pits
Damn my ass looks so phat in these tie dyed booty shorts…
Yeah you look like Ian when he worked at the gay club
The actual general of the NBA 2k virtual event known as Gold Rush. He shuts the show down every time. He even helped that kid N3on secure a gold suit.
Yo Ian Bitton is the actual General.
A gay as fuck emo guy who gets friendzoned a lot and has no friends.
He fat he red he bad
He a Fake ass harry potter fan
he Always sucking dubmbledores cokck and watching herry potr.
Ian: I just got friendzoned for the 3rd time
Me: Ur such an Ian Ray de Boom
He is sexy af in a snorlax onzie and will steel your heart in seconds he may hurt you but he is still the best and he is very cuddly and blushes a lot and low key is very fickable
If Ian was not taken I would date him Ian beck