Source Code

ladies room

A.K.A. "bar." Used as a code word to take a shot in the middle a boring business lunch. Can also be used at family gatherings.

Mary: Excuse me, I have to go to the ladies room.

Tom: Wow, she must have a UTI or something. That's her third time to the ladies room in an hour.

by mandajw April 27, 2009

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Lady Mushroom

Like a Willy Wonka Everlasting Gobstopper, this mushroom can be licked, pounded, eaten, smacked, and basted, but will never deplete. Doing so may only make it stronger.

My mom said you hammered her lady mushroom so hard that today it killed a baby kitten.

by Deecon November 8, 2010

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Miss Lady

Something that drag queens, gay men and Shaniqua-like girls address each other as when they get sassy. Is usually accompanied by a Z-Snap, a smack of the lips, a twist of the head, and an "OH NO YOU DI'INT."

Beware of a drag queen, a gay man, or a Shaniqua when they refer to you as this term. If you want to keep your weave intact, it is necessary to Get Out Their Face for at least ten minutes after being called a Miss Lady. After ten minutes have passed, you can go back and sass them until they call you Miss Lady again. Then, beware.

Miss Lady is also the companion to "Miss Thing/Miss Thang."

Is also a term used excessively by people like Tyra Banks and Miss J. Alexander.

Drag Queen 1: Uh uh girl, you did NOT paint your fingernails Toxic Radioactive Vomit Orange!

Drag Queen 2: MHM girl, I did!

Drag Queen 1: Girl, you look ghetto-fabulous!

Drag Queen 2: Let's not get sassy, Miss Lady! We all know I'm a classy bitch!

Drag Queen 1: Bitch, you walked through the ghetto forest and hit every tree! Did you buy your weave at Walgreen's?


*Drag Queen 1 makes hasty retreat*

by Lyosha October 21, 2009

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A gay man, with any degree of femininity and/or masculinity, that is unaware of his homosexuality while it is accepted as common knowledge by everyone that has ever met him.

I wish Bob would finally come-out of the closet. His mother says she can’t wait for him to meet a nice man, but that he is in such denial.

Sally – He isn’t in denial because has no idea. He is still a lady-in-waiting.

by GayManWithGoodLooksAndWit June 14, 2009

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Pink Lady

pink lady is a delicious drink consumed during extended kayak trips. it makes you forget you're tired, hungry, and smelling funky.

The Pink Lady is a mix Red Hot Cinnamon Snapps and Goldschlager

by Kayak Bill August 24, 2008

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Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is a georgous female pop artist with a whoreishh style. However, she is far from whoreishh. She could be a Playboy Model if she wanted to. She is NOT a wannabe Gwen Stefani or Fergie. I have heard that Lady Gaga would be perfect with Jim Jones.β™₯ She has an amazing voice and perfect fashion. Any woman would kill to have her makeup. I would.

Just Dance and Poker Face are hot videos.

Lady Gaga is not a whore.

by Shannah Rose February 13, 2009

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lady boss

A dominant female who maintains complete control of her male counterparts sexually, professionally, domestically or otherwise.

"Chaz does whatever Shirley says. He always rolls over for his lady boss."

by jfanno00 November 12, 2007

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