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princess noob

A princess noob is a high demand noob. They constancy demand that people give them stuff. they love free stuff and expect you to give them stuff. They love playing the game even though they know nothing about it.

some fucking princess noob came up to me and demanded me give then shit.

by bobdod December 9, 2014

Christmas Noob

A person who received a popular multiplayer video game for Christmas that been out for a while.

I'm telling you, the Christmas Noobs are out tonight on Call of Duty.

by DarkWolf2212 January 9, 2018

Cheif Noob

A player on PlayStation who is always being revived known by Smooth-warrior

Oi Cheif Noob your dead again

by Cheif reviver April 17, 2020

Noob Pills

An item that someone askes for in a game. Usually money or a simple to get item that someone of a low rank pressistantly askes for. Commonly used in MMORPG's.

Little Bobby7: "halp! ned moniez plox!"

Carnage Master: "Someone call a doctor. We need some Noob Pills over here."

by OysterCultist October 17, 2010

credit noob

Any noob who uses his/her credit card to purchase OP weapons or credits as a means of fighting as opposed to using their skill or actually playing the game.

Ever since the new OP weapons were released, there have been more credit noobs lately.

player 1: It's taken me a while, but I've finally leveled up to buy this gun.
player 2: Dude, I just bought it like a week ago.
player 1: I've been playing this game longer than you, and am twice your level. How do you have that gun.
player 2: I used credits to buy it after spending real money.
player1: you're such a credit noob.

by Anonymous reality January 24, 2018

Noob Question

A simple-minded question about internet functions that are mechanically simple or require little to no technical prowess to accomplish.

Person 1: Noob question, how do I post in this forum?
Person 2: Click on the "new post" link in the top right!

by Erk Gloom May 24, 2018

noob sauce

The substance ejected from an individual when a solid hit is placed upon them, namely in Counter Strike when a weapon pierces a player where pixelated blood is sent streaming from the wound.

Player1: omfg my scout just reamed your head and blew noob sauce all over the wall XD
Player2: omgwtfhax

by Kieran B November 2, 2006

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