He is the most amazing boy i will ever meet. He makes you laugh till you cry and is so loyal its scary. He's adorable and downright perfect i am so lucky i have him in my live. i love him more than anything. he's always smiling and he gives the best hugs hes a little perverted but hes cute and shy sometimes. hes a top but a blushy one. when one facetime he makes the cutest face and blush. Total dom good for a sub like me uwu i dont know what i did to deserve him uwu (For senpai)
" I wish Jesse was mine"
"Back off, he's mine~"
Jesse is a caring person he is a bright popular kid it seems like he has a great life style he plays basketball and football but he is hiding something from everyone that no one knows. His love life is hard he is very handsome so he gets all the girls but there is this one girl that is really into him and will be loyal to him but he doesn't notice her but he will be very successful in life he will have layal fans and he has a very supportive family and friends
Jesse will be a leader and has always been a leader
Jesse is an amazing person, but if your dating him and he doesnt really seem to care about you as in not talking to you, calling you, or texting you, means he has no intrest in you. If he talks to your bestfriend more than that basically just means he has more intrest in your bestfriend like hes always had since October.
Jesse is amazing!
Fuck him he is no longer in the world anymore but he is no other big brother but he's the mo one and he doesn't like a good thing and I don't want it anymore to the fact I love it so he can get down with me because I love him and I don't know how much he likes it