The act of going for a jog in public after having received cum on one's body while having sex in public. The act of jogging is done to produce sweat to disguise the cum stains as sweat stains.
Dude 1: "Damn, that girl is always jogging with her boyfriend"
Dude 2: "Yea jogging.... look at that White Jog Sweat, they up to more than just jogging"
Paul: Hey dude, haven’t seen you at the gym recently where you been?
Brandon: I’ve been slacking man, I need to get sweat.
A usual, daily, regular, stay-at-home condition, disposition, feeling; or the outfit, literally.
May also be a subliminal for staying at home in the same clothes without bathing for a few days.
I’ve been home for a few days; and it’s a good change.
Oh! Really; how has it been?
It’s been good, but nothing eventful; just sweats and slippers.
Feeling extremely hot, typically in high summer when weather is particularly oppressive.
“I’m sweating like a bollock”
That awkward feeling you get around a kook. The feeling of not knowing what’s gonna happen next.
“Greg’s giving me the kook sweats”.
In criminal procedure, "sweating" is a term used to describe the illegal practice of interrogating a prisoner by using threats or intimidation to force them to provide information.
We were sweating him in the interrogation room, he wouldn’t cave in.