The international symbol for homosexuality, used by homo's world wide to symbol that their mouth has a distinct taste for pole
Wow... Gian actually has a Pole Patch... No wonder his facebook doesn't give a sexual preference.
When you drink a test tube full of semen like a shot or you pour it down your ear
Me and the fellows are going out for a pole of semen
When a questionable transgenser woman suddenly pokes you and sees how far across the room you jump
I went home with this baddy last night just to get pole vaulted me across the room.
1) one who enjoys sniffing a meat pole, tent pole, or skin flute
Man look at the guy over there checking out that dudes ass, what a pole sniffer!
When someone try to collect as many weapons and perks in an online game without leveling up, so they have an advantage over other players of the same level.
He has been at level 38 for over a week. He is pole-sitting so he can win more events and beat people to improve his stats.
Skinny dick, big foreskin. Typically unsightly. Looks like the skin could be painted and used as a flag. Skin gets so worn that it's hard to get laid. Usually can't get a date so they gotta masturbate. Some times there is lube, some times there ain't. Before you know it your foreskin inflates.
Example 1: "I was going to go down on the guy, but he wiped out a real Flag Pole. It was long but the skin was so floppy I almost gagged on it. I'd be surprised if he even felt it at all."
Example 2: "Today I showed my patriotism online. Painted my dick and foreskin like a Flag Pole and snapped a picture in the wind. They got more of a laugh out of it than anything."