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Sylveon's law

A subgenre of bidoof's law coined by twitter user AProfessionalN2 after a reply to a tweet saying "We really need a law for "transphobe posting = pedo" under a tweet of a transphobic Vtuber with a 'loli' avatar.

Hitlercunnyrapist: "all trans people are groomers and degenerates"

*checks profile and sees lolicon porn in the repost and likes*

"Sylveon's law strikes again!"

by Cherubdecay March 12, 2023

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The Law family

A family of intellectuals, with Georgia Law being the smartest.

They are thinking like The Law Family

by BigBoyJim25 October 1, 2021

Mariano Law

When you are doing something but talking about something else at the same time; so you’re not fully engaged in what you’re doing, however, somehow you are doing above average at that thing you’re doing.

PERSON 1: “…and that’s my life story.”

PERSON 2: “holy shit dude how did we just win that match?! We weren’t even trying.”

PERSON 1: “That’s Mariano Law, baby.”

by Mariano. October 4, 2021

Kuro's Law

Any sexual discussion will ultimately end up with somebody mentioning incest at least once.

Dude 1: My sister is fucking hot.
Dude 2: I'd totally fuck her.
Dude 1: So would I.
Dude 3: Kuro's Law.

by lolkuro June 1, 2014

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When you have extended family who rallied, identified and/or defended Donald J Trump's irrational presidency.

I want to see my brother but I want to avoid his Maga-in-laws

by horse man April 14, 2022

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Tripper's Law

Tripper's Law is applicable in other parallel universes. If parallel universes are made during every action, and movement is an action, there is an alternate universe where, instead of walking, you die

You're lucky you didn't end up in a Tripper's Law

by Sayremonx April 15, 2021

Ryan's Law

A law stating that if there is at least one sock for every two men having sexual intercourse at an orgy, it is not gay.

"I didn't know you were gay." "Nah, he had a sock on, so according to Ryan's Law, I am not"

by RagingTotodile August 29, 2021