Someone with a hard thug-like exterior who also likes living a soft life and likes the color pink
“Did you see Asia’s pink uggs? I thought she always said she was a thug. I guess she’s a bedazzled thug.”
Thugging describes the act of zoom raiding, and while raiding a zoom call, you would stream gay porn (most from Dreamybull; “Ambatukam”).
“Yo wanna thug this zoom call?”
The unsolicited act of entering a discipline with no prior experience whatsoever, and proceeding to excel in said discipline through sheer will and determination.
"How is that guy already in the Baseball Team? He couldn't even pitch the ball until a week ago!"
"I know right? The madlad's been thugging his way through trials!"
"Steve has just been thugging his way through our chemistry course. It's like he just woke up one morning and decided to be top of the class!"
Drawing or the ability to draw
The artist was thugging it out on some paper
Unexpectedly making people look at black men having sex
Thugging: You just got thugged
A car rolling by outside your home with hyper bass blasting that shakes the house windows.
On the weekend, it is one thug buggy after another rolling by.
Alternative name for the action described by thug shaker.
Oh yeah nigga. Do that thug clap. Ooh ye' nigga hit that thug clap.