Someone who is motivated by the serene rather than by thrills
I was a thrill junkie when I was younger, but since the skateboarding accident I've become more of a chill junkie.
Two people in different locations watch movies over raidcall, while masturbating and making sexual noises.
Hey *name* want to Raidcall and Chill?
A therapy dog; a dog who you can take to the park, but also take to visit cancer patients. A dog who you feel like you should pass the blunt to.
“Wow, did you see that dog at the hospital? I could have sworn I’ve seen him at the park. That’s a chill dog.”
*intense coughing and retching while passing a blunt*
“Yo, you’re telling me your dog goes to hospitals and shit ? Pass him the blunt! That’s a chill dog.”
When you drink in public places illegally.
You wanna ghetto chill?
Prickly goose bumps in the general rectal area after getting a fecal transplant through an ng tube
This CDiff is killing me but the butt chills feel great.
When you jack off on target employees
Mouritsen did the deed of target and chilling on wednesday
The phrase "we chill" is generally used in reference to the state of two parties or people being in a state of "chill", "cool" or "non-hostility" towards each other. For example;
Party 1: "Yo, weren't we gonna have that arms race tomorrow?"
Party 2: "I mean, we don't really care much, we chill?"
Party 1: "Sure, we chill."