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Boner Bait

Fishing for bitches with your dick, commonly associated with a fuckboi.

Friend 1: Lets Go Boner Baiting
Friend 2: I already did

by JesusSatanLover666 March 12, 2015

Normie Bait

Art made for the consumption of normie audiences, which includes hidden ideas and messages that might be considered too radical for the status quo. Ofter politically charged, this ideas are radical, either left or right wing.

Nazi content comic artists like Stone Toss make the perfect normie bait. His comics might look normla to the naked eye, but just look at his fanbase.

The movie Parasite is amazing socialist normie bait.

by TrawlingMoreLikeTrolling August 6, 2022

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Server Bait

*Clears Throat* All unwanted, overcooked, undercooked, inedible food left in a restaurants pass, which makes up a hungry servers dinner.

The server was enlighten to find server bait

by March 5, 2022

Facebook Bait

to post an ambiguous status update as a lure for friends to express interest, i.e. comments and likes

T: Did you see Anna's status update, "I'm in a terrible mood so keep a safe distance." What's that all about?

V: Please tell me you didn't fall for that Facebook Bait..

by Francis Bird February 22, 2015

Like/Sub Baiting

When a content creator begs/tricks people for likes or subs.

"Every like/sub I get I will Blank" or "Every like/sub I get I will Blank to Blank that is called Like/Sub baiting

by Keyboard mashuhd b\kjvb\hjwbfj October 17, 2022

taboo bait

A work of fiction, be it anime, manga, novel, movie or whatever, that uses a controversial subject/elements to gain attention. It doesn't attempt to bring discussion or tell a serious story, but rather tries to lure in people only to make them pay money for a mediocre piece of entertainment.

The majority of love stories revolving around incest are nothing more than taboo bait. When will the society finally grow up and take this issue seriously ?

by lolisarecute April 6, 2018

Gooner Bait

Gooner Bait is a piece of media ( typically a video game or anime) which contains copious amounts sexual imagry, despite not being explicitly pornographic. Features commonly include scantily clad "women" of "indeterminate" age , extreme jiggle physics, and ads which leave nothing to the imagination as to the primary audience.

Did you hear about Stellar Blade? It looks like its some serious gooner bait.

by Pleasant_Plant September 9, 2024

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