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balls in a bucket

Dipping testicles into the vagina.

Last night was a real swish with my balls in a bucket.

by Karadwyn June 7, 2014

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blast bucket

a term used for a sex partner to whom one has no attachments.

a sex partner that has no issues with filling every orifice with your seed.

Hey Jim, this is my blast bucket, Diane.

If she wasnt such a blast bucket I wouldnt have child support on six kids.

by Leywhozayher December 31, 2011

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bucket jute

a fat mess of a whore dripping with sweat, humming of cock, piss, shite, cum and booze.

shape of that bucket jute, i think im gona be sick

by StickSkins July 12, 2006

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bucket steper

one who repeatedetly steps in buckets even when told not too

go get you own buck you fucking bucket steper

by jib jab June 16, 2004

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A derogatory word used in name calling. A combination of the word struggleand the traditional def of bucket - "a typically cylindrical vessel for catching, holding, or carrying liquids or solids".
By combining these words your are implying that not only does the person being verbally attacked struggle, but they do it so much or so well, they could fill an entire bucket full of it.

John Doe - "dude, you've been trying to do that for like and hour. Let me do it!"

Guy Smith - "shut-up, I can do it"

John Doe - "struggle-bucket!"

by Shinejah February 8, 2009

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Fart bucket

The most stupid of all insults used commonly with people who have a maturity level in the negatives. See also: idiot sandwich, stupid head, buttface, butthead...

"U a gay boii."
"I'm gonna tell my mommy!!!"

by Strange Words May 21, 2019

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cum bucket

orifice to catch ejaculate

My girl friend has an asshole THIIIIIIIIIS BIIIIIIIIIG. She has a prime cum bucket

by The Durty Duk February 15, 2015

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