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First things first. Emo does NOT mean emotional. People who are emo are NOT always depressed. They can be happy and hyper too. They do NOT always cut themselves. These typical stereotypes are NOT true. Get it through your head, mkay? And the music that is labeled as emo, is not really emo at all. If everything that was sad was labeled emo, "Beautiful Girls" by Sean Kingston would fit into that catigory. Jeez, people.

Secondly, emo boys(or girls, depending on if you're a boy or girl) are the sexiest people to ever grace this earth. Anyone else just won't measure up.

Thirdly, emo boys/girls are NOT all gay. Just because a guy wears tight jeans or puts on eyeliner doesn't make him gay. Actors wear makeup all the time. And the pants look extremely hott on guys. And the dyed hair doesn't make them gay because people dye their hair all the time. So what it isn't super bright green or pink or red? Their just colors, get over it.

Its called expression.

Girl one: Look at him! He's so amazingly hott.
Girl two: I know! I loved his emo pants.

Girl one: Lets go be emo.

by Jennifer Joe January 15, 2008

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when your emo but have a little of emo in you

Dayana: U got some emoness too

by Gen304 June 11, 2023


Referring to or characterising emo and its accompanying subculture. A fan of type of rock music similar to punk but with more complicated arrangements and lyrics dealing with deeper sensitive issues. Emoness refers to someone who is highly sensitive, emotional, and filled with angst. In the phrase "emoness," the suffix "-ness" indicates "condition."

She has that emoness vibe.

by πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘_honk_AHM October 30, 2022


Something that too many bias bastards should shut the fuck up about! I's whatever you want it to be! It's a lifestyle that doesn't have to include cutting or black hair. You just need to be yourself and act however you want to be. It's a stupid clique that no one should care about! Everyone is equal to the emos! No one is better and no one is worse! Everyone is the same!

I'm an Emo and I have manic depression! But I dress fucking weird!!! Bright clothes and dark clothes!!! Who fucking cares!!!! I'm emo in my own definition!!!!!

by randomperson42 October 19, 2010


Tristan Kennedy.

You’re emo

by Kylie πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺπŸ₯±πŸ₯± September 17, 2021


a person who overreacts to everything and constantly makes them self the center of attention

You don't understand. I'm an Emo I can act like this whenever I want to

by I_want_to_die135792468 March 24, 2017


Some of you are totally wrong about being emo. I'm emo, I would know. I'm not emo because I think it's cool, I'm a very expressive person, artsy, and I've been emo/punk for most of my life, you guys are ignorant. Yes, many of us are from well-off families who don't understand, but that's our choice. You're stereotyping people you don't even know. I have tons of friends (some who are very popular), I don't cut myself, I'm perfectly happy! There's so many more misconceptions... okay, maybe my hair is half pink, maybe I wear tighter jeans then the rest of you, maybe I listen to less popular music because it's way better than listening to a bleach blond tramp who forgot to wear underwear! It's our choice, and you shouldn't judge. That's like asking a football player why he plays football. So stupid, so trivial, so ignorant.

Cheerleader: Eww, look at that emo kid, disgusting!

Groupie: Ugh, I know! Stupid cuter.

by Ashy121xxx. June 29, 2010