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fake glasses

Glasses in which are used for decoration purposes only, not for eye sight.

Those fake glasses that actor is wearing describe the character.

by Cookiesareforever101 May 3, 2016

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Fake Nap

Where you go to take a nap, don't actually fall asleep, but still feel recharged afterward.

Man, I feel much better after taking that fake nap. Now I feel better about going to work later.

by SushiMonster555 November 19, 2010

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fake bitch

some one who act nice in your face but turns around and talk about you to other

"Yo, jonterria is a real fake bitch,talking bout me to kalia."

by Nikalai Jones March 24, 2017

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Fake News

Term used by Donald Trump and all supporters of any TRUE/CONFIRMED information or credible opinion that either goes AGAINST or is CONTRADICTORY to 45th President Donald Trump's views or denial of factual information.

Regular person: " I saw a video on the news today of 10,000 times Donald Trump lied to public while in office."
TRUMPER: " That's fake news!"
Regular person: "I saw it with my own eyes!"
TRUMPER: "ALL those videos are 'fake news' because Donald Trump denied it"

by Like I see it July 2, 2020

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Fake News

The term "Fake News" means the news isn't fake, all it means is that the person hearing the news does not like

what they are hearing, so they proceed to have a tantrum like a 2 year old and call it fake.

E.g Ted: New York Yankee's won the game, Bill: (doesn't like the outcome) That's fake news.

by bengladesh August 12, 2017

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fake stonemad

someone who thinks their mad and brags about crazy stuff they've done or going to do.

i,m going to rip this poster off the wall and half an hour later after ripping off the poster they stick it back up

by skip February 19, 2004

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Fake Gay

Someone that pretends to be gay only to get close to girls or feel entitled.

Richard: fuck you won't do shit
Owen: Your only angry because you have no friends so you resort to pretending to be gay so you can get pussy. Fake gay ass deceptive motherfucker.

by FuckYall23 September 13, 2019

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