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Flaming fuck face

An individual, most often homosexual, who is flamboyant, hypocritical, and an over dramatic asshole. This individual feels his opinion is the only one that matters and is offended by any opinion that doesn’t align with his.

Oh my God, my cousin David is such a flaming fuck face!

by Lourdes ginger October 28, 2018

flaming poopy dookies

Something that is messed up, broken, often to an extreme state.

When something is so F'ed in the A that you've run out of vulgarity to describe the problem.

Similar to Dumpster Fire, Trash Fire, Cluster Fuck, Flaming Pile

Apple removing headphone jacks from their devices is a flaming poopy dooky of an idea

Fyre Festival was a pile of flaming poopy dookies. I hope someone goes to jail.

by dewy0677 February 13, 2019

dance of the flaming arseholes

A pub game often played by members of various football clubs. Also performed by Australian servicemen. It involves seeing who can last the longest with a burning newspaper shoved up their arse.

Taken from Wikipedia:
"One of the "hallowed traditions" bestowed upon the area by sojourning sailors, eg. from Australia, was the ritualistic "Dance Of The Flamers" or "Dance Of The Flaming Arseholes" on top of the infamous toilet's roof. Compatriots on the ground would chant the signature "Haul 'em down you Zulu Warrior" song whilst the matelots performed their act."

by The Sidhe April 16, 2006

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flaming turquoise necktie

While having anal sex, you pull out and smack your cock on the girl or guys chest leaving the necktie bruise. The fecal matter around the bruise then looks like a flame.

see turquoise

I gave this chick a flaming turquoise necktie last night after I said it was the wrong hole.

by 9th Wonder January 15, 2006

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Flaming hot donkey

When u put a condom on your penis then pour hot sauce on it and shove it up her ass

I burned her with my flaming hot donkey last night it was wild

by A1.sauce May 11, 2021

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Flaming Teddy Roosevelt

Like a combination of the Flaming Dragon and the Teddy Roosevelt, it's where you put hot sauce on the sandpaper.

One guy: hey did you make up with your girlfriend after that big fight you had?
Other guy: no but I gave her a Flaming Teddy Roosevelt instead

by Dreznych December 10, 2010

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Flaming half wit

When a person has only half of their wit and has somehow managed to catch on fire.

j00 b33/\/ pwned by Grungemetal!

Josh: You're on fire. Yeah, stop playing counter strike and put it out.

by iwannabeanalcoholic April 24, 2005

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