Source Code

hot mama

A wicked hot girl

Hey Hot Mama, let pull up to that bumper and smack that monkey.

by FhillyMan May 13, 2003

210πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

hot take

An opinion based on simplistic moralizing rather than actual thought. Not to be confused with a strong take.

That's a hot take.

by Penis Armada June 20, 2014

555πŸ‘ 212πŸ‘Ž

Hot Topic

A store that's gotten such a bad rap that you actually CAN be a nonconformist by shopping there because so many people hate it. A true non-conformist shops wherever the hell he/she wants to shop (including Hot Topic)not giving a shit what anyone says about the store. Now that's what I call non-conformity... (and about the prices, it's called a CLEARANCE RACK; novel concept, huh?)

For a truly original look, wear shoes from Target, jeans from Cost-co, shirt from American Eagle, wristband and wallet-chain from Hot Topic, and a hat from Good Will. Of course, by the the time people read this it won't be original anymore. Do what any sensible person does and set your OWN styles (though some douche-bag will say THAT'S conforming because other people do it; what-the-fuck-ever...)

by Kerry King666 October 11, 2006

57πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

hot topic

Hot Topic is considered a poser store because there are poser peoples that shop there sometimes, and also because it's different.
Hot Topic is a place that sells clothing that, okay, doesn't exactly make you different. But it looks cool and there are people who agree with me, is that really so hard to just shut up about and respect?
Sorry if it's too much to ask. But what always pisses me off is when there are all these popular Abercrombie / Hollister people who say "Hot Topic sucks" and then go out and buy stuff there behind your back. Just realize that every store has people that shop there who are cool, and people who are just plain stupid. Honestly, Hot Topic has nice, helpful people who work there, not uberly tall platinum-blond girls with short-short miniskirts who stare at you and sigh because you're not fashionable enough. I tried going into Hot Topic one day not dressed in my usual "gothic" clothing, and they still came up to me and we talked and laughed and stuff.
Maybe someday everyone in the world will learn to just live with the fact that in this world, there are people with different interests and beliefs than you. Maybe people will learn to live with and respect that.

I went shopping at Hot Topic yesterday, and they have a brand new pair of combat boots that majorly kicks ass.

by Yunie October 31, 2004

603πŸ‘ 227πŸ‘Ž

Hot as fuck

Nicole Scherzinger

Nicole Scherzinger is hot as fuck!

by Icy Wyte December 11, 2016

149πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

hot snot

A synonym for hot glue, often used to imply that the use of hot glue makes the thing lower quality/cheaper.

Oh man, this was put together with hot snot. I hope it doesn't break.

by shelvacu February 17, 2017

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Hot plate

The plate you put your cocaine on

You pick up a bag?
Well let’s get that hot plate ready!!!

by Looner eclipse November 8, 2020

28πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž