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Fat Spats

The layer of fat which drapes from the ankle around the circumference of the foot. Derived from "spat", meaning a cloth or leather gaiter covering a shoe upper, fastened with a strap.
Akin to "cankle".

Allison knew that she had eaten too many pogos when she saw her fat spats in the mirror.

by Cankle Cops March 18, 2009


The act of motivating yourself to power through a workout by anticipating your next meal.

I really felt like quitting on my run today, but a little fat-ivation got me through it!

by MzLiz March 12, 2014

Fat fuck

A term to describe the fat controller of a gravy train. Gravy runs through the fat fucks veins. Can also be known as slim, the fat man, what a fat cunt, fat wanker and tends to not only be fat as fuck, but thick as fuck, with an inability to hold any sort of conversation without sounding like an out of breath fat fuck. The fat fuck will not talk but bellow his voice as a way of showing presence in the company of the intelligent. The fat fucks eyelids are fatter than most and he will struggle to see, causing major wardrobe malfunctions including tight as fuck trousers and a bad combination of shirts and body warmers. The fat fuck will sometimes run out of money for gravy and so will gamble during working hours in order to chase pints of bisto that will later be injected straight into the blood. Unfortunately the fat fucks stupidity means he is unaware his day will come and so will continue to Lord over his manor until then in a true fat fuck wanker fashion.

"Oh look, it's the fat fuck. Look at that fat fuck. I hate that fat fuck. He is a fat fuck"

by Monkey baws January 12, 2017

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Fat Fuck

A dangerous combination of massive obesity and stupidity whose also an overweight good for nothing person who refuses to work and relies on other people to take care of them.

Nic is a fat fuck

by MrShagYourMom February 12, 2020

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When a highly motivated fat person pursues physical fitness. Does not necessarily indicate a desire to lose weight, or a lack of aptitude in fitness activities. This activity has been known to shock innocent bystanders and stun haters into silence.

You can call it fat-ercise, but I call it lapping everybody on the couch.

That chubby chaser better get his running shoes on, because this BBW gets a lot of fat-ercise.

by MzLiz March 12, 2014

Martin fat

A fat wannabe ugly sloth from zootopia looking ass bitch. This fatass will eat you if ur ass smells like shit. So be sure to wipe or he'll Bach you

"damn dude you look like a Martin fat ."

by Kenbone666 November 14, 2016

circus fat

when one is sooo fat that that individual belongs in the circus or some sort of carnival setting

Man! That bitch is circus fat

by big burls September 17, 2002

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