Source Code

kill it with fire

Destroy it with extreme-ly hot flames.

Host--Hey, welcome to the bonfire. You bring your share?
Guest--Here's a semister's worth of psychology notes.

by ~The Nameless One~ July 22, 2006

89๐Ÿ‘ 382๐Ÿ‘Ž

double kill

The simultaneous impregnation of two hot females at the same time.

Both hotties must be knocked up at the same time to achive a Double Kill.
Does not count if only one of the girls is hot or if the second conception happens after the birth of the first child/bastard.

The Legend just achieved the coveted and honorable Double Kill on a cheerleader and weird art girl. Mad props yo, mad props!

"I sort of have a twin but he is just the product of my dad's Double Kill"

by HumanPerson March 11, 2006

21๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž

Road Kill

A booty call arranged around a road trip.

"I'm really dreading this two-day road trip, ugh."

"Find some road kill on tindr, it'll make the time fly."

by swiftforeal January 3, 2014

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cryo kill

Killing a player in a flight-sim whose computer has frozen temporarily due to lag or other issues. Since they and their aircraft are frozen in the environment like a preserved lab specimen, they are easy to gun down.

This phenomenon commonly occurs when the host is downloading files and his host connection becomes slowed. This causes people with crappy client connections to lag or freeze in the middle of flight.

When this occurs, the victims are jokingly known as freezer fighters or icebox interceptors due to the constant presence of semi-organized combat on the server. Users not heavily affected by the slow connection usually kill (more like sacrifice) the victims to free up RAM for other users' connections

Player 1: *gun kill* One down.

Player 2: Nice shooting!

Player 3: You're mine! *computer freezes*

Player 1: Freezer fighter just ahead.......looks like we have a cryo kill coming up....he's all yours buddy.

Player 2: thx man.

by FSSUX October 22, 2010

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kill the Buddha

be accountable/responsible for one's actions; own it

He really had no one else to blame. It's not like anyone held a gun to his head. Ultimately, he had to kill the Buddha.

by Mr. Tabrapit December 4, 2010

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Killing Fields

The portion of an online multiplayer first person shooter map where most players tend to gravitate to kill enemies and/or die.

Player 1: Where the hell is everyone on the other team?

Player 2: Let's head toward the killing fields, at least some of them will be there.

by inkyrail450 June 6, 2011

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Omega Kill

The game winning kill in a team based first person shooter, such as Battlefield Bad Company 2, Team Fortress 2, or Counter- Strike.

"Dude, I just got the Omega Kill on TF2 with my Heavy Weapons Guy."

by Goatski May 1, 2010

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