What do the rest of the people mean to you? They don’t mean anything to you. They’re just serfs, they’re just people.
What do the rest of the people mean to you? Absolutely nothing, so you shall not aid them.
You look dumb posting your name definition
You know damn well your personality is nothing like it
You: *posting the meaning of your name*
Numb: that’s bs stfu the name meanings arent real
When you are not going anywhere.
Person A: Let’s go out and party
Person B: I’m not going anywhere
Person A: why are you mean doggin’ me??
When u sever ur cock & leave it in a jar of blood to pickle in it, especially that of pickle circular slice jars
I.e. Reiterate2: "hey thatonemeanpickle did u make me a mean pickle yet? :)"
Commenting “photoshop” on another girls photo when you can just text your friends privately and confirm that she may photoshop.
Named after Charlie Sheen , for his many female companions, when a man (or female )gets “mean sheened “, he gets caught (social media, piblic , in person ) with multiple side chicks by other side chicks and the proceed to gang up on him
“Yo bro, how your day with your bitches go?”
“Bruh, Becky seen a post on Facebook, then Stacy saw a snap of me with Kim, so now they all started talking shit about me man I totally got Mean sheened “