Source Code

National Sad Day

On National Sad Day everyone is supposed to be sad. Put on xxxTentacion and be sad.

Have you heard of national sad day?

by tenorio November 3, 2019

National fern day

April 20th

"Hey it's national fern day! Let's congratulate fernie!"

by Cocksucker 420 April 7, 2017

National Niamh Day

On March 1st, we celebrate everyone we know named Niamh!

Hey its March 1st and we have to celebrate National Niamh Day!

Hey Niamh! Happy National Niamh Day!!

by LoveNiamh4Life October 6, 2022

National Joint Day

On March 28 2019, it is national joint day! Spark up as many joints as you want and share them with your friends.

Hey man today’s national joint day!

by Mary Jane mika March 28, 2019

national fatizee day

celebrating the influence Fatizee has in the Hertfordshire region. (5th October). wear your sunglasses proud for Fatizee day!

Are you wearing your sunglasses for national Fatizee day?

by vrillywilly October 3, 2022

National Bong Day

November 10th, gather every bong you can, give them a nice scrubbing, and smoke all day.

I cannot wait for national bong day.

by Pocketpussyeater12937 November 7, 2017

National Opium Day

On this day of the year everyone is invited to the Yale party. Rick Owens himself will be in attendance. Destroying the lonely and whatnot….HOMIXIDE HOMIXIDE

Random dude “Bro it’s national opium day” me “that’s so destroy lonely bro”

by Destroylonely February 14, 2023