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Scalp Cookie

A "Scalp Cookie" is a small patch of dry scalp anywhere on the head, (sometimes brought on by hair products) that often compells a person to scratch or pick at the area of dry skin for long periods of time. This is also a nervous habit for some. There is ususally a pleasurable feeling or release associated with the scratching or subtle picking of the scalp cookie in question.

I'm digging for scalp cookies or "ooh I just found a good scalp cookie to pick out

by linguistocrat December 25, 2009

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Birthday cookie

A single giant cookie. Given at the time of ones birthday instead of a gift and or cake

Happy Birthday, here's a Birthday cookie, its not for sharing.

by Cookie monster 3000v2 January 29, 2011

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Cookie cake

A good looking guy you see at a bar, like a guy that’s an 11 on a scale from one to 10. Like he is fine!

Angelina Jolie is sitting at the bar Christie Brinkley. Angelina sees a guy walk in and says β€œ Ooh girl he is fine.”

Christie Brinkley says β€œ Ooh gurl you right. He’s so fine he’s a cookie cake”.

by Charley Bravo October 26, 2019

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Cookie Monster

Blue furry puppet from the childrens show Sesame street known for eating cookies. Also used to describe the lack of vocal talent ie. Ja Rule, DMX,

Why does MTV promote Cookie monster artists like Ja Rule.

by Bigdickylewis November 3, 2003

35πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

milk and cookies

that dope song by melanie martinez

have you heard "milk and cookies"? it's from the album cry baby.

by expungebob November 30, 2019

26πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


A female adolescent, usually between the age of 15 and 25 (but most notorious in High Schools), whom bears an almost uniformic exterior appearance consisting of a basic fashion formula designed to include high visual contrast:
-artificially tan skin (usually orange-y)
-streaked or bleach blonde hair, or very dark hair
-possesses blue or light-colored eyes, indicating a recessive gene or colored contacts; can also be very dark-colored eyes
-bleached teeth
-wears light-colored clothes to pronounce contrast
-is of white ethnicity (in most cases)
-wears thick makeup
-wears form-fitting pants that show detailed form of lower body
-is able to make the f__king annoying "click-clack" sound with chewing gum

If there were no cookie-cutters in my school then I could've sworn that I saw the same person twenty times today in random locations.

by Salty Cracker February 17, 2005

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Cookie Crisp

The equivalent of trix with a wolf instead of the rabbit. Appears in kids magazines once a month at least

If I could just get my hands on that Coo-ooo-kie Crisp!

by TinTower May 6, 2004

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