Source Code

tie one on

To get drunk or start drinking before the hang over from last night has worn off.

Thus having something to "tie onto"

To tie one drinking session to another before the effects/consequences of the last have expired.

Guy 1: Hey, what's going on there?
Guy 2: I'm hungover as fuck, they had quarter pitcher night at Jake's last night.
Guy 1: So you're just going to hang out?
Guy 2: Fuck it lets tie one on.
Guy 1&2: *Crack open beers and commence drinking*

by QWERTY1 April 19, 2006

498๐Ÿ‘ 272๐Ÿ‘Ž

One Direction

the reason for my sexual frustration

me: *le looking at pictures of one direction*
me: *le crey* why can't they love me?

by not an obsessive fan February 15, 2012

4499๐Ÿ‘ 2662๐Ÿ‘Ž

One Direction

Which way do 5 gay guys walk?

One direction!

Enough said.

by 2Pac4Lyfe July 31, 2013

297๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž

that one song

The song that's such shit you can't remember the name.

Guy 1: Hey you know that one song?
Guy 2: If you can't even remember the name it must be shit.
Guy 1: Oh yeah, it is....

by Zac July 21, 2015

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

One Year

One year can mean a whole lot of things. People can change, get fat, marry someone, have yet another heartbreak just to fall back in love with the same person. It can mean an addition to the family, whether its a 4 legged friend or another human. It can mean that you will get older, taller and wiser. It can mean that your summer love from 1985 won't love you in 1986.

x: "Dude...what happened?"

y: "Its been one year. I've changed."
x: "You're not you."

by Phillip Wong July 28, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Noun. A brief exchange of information in which an individual uses the false pretense of authority to make guarentees and promises which indirectly cause isolated pockets of chaos to occur.

Bob: "They thought I worked at the store, so I gave them my absolute guarentee that for the next half hour all of the loose candy they could grab was free."

Sam: "Wow, nice one-kleiner"

by Dr. Why August 18, 2010

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The One Two

Also called the "Once Over". The one two is when someone looks you up and down to judge one you in some way or another. Mostly you get this look from a hater or someone trying to size you up.

(Walking through the mall)

Ashley: "Hey why is that girl giving you The One Two"
Remedy: "I think its because she sees my new Jordans."

by Remedy 3.0 December 7, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž