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Cypress Hill

The hardest band out there.... I wanna Be a rap Superstar
They iz Hood AF Jit.

Johnny-P-Icey: Im Just like cypress hill
Gonger : Damn straight manz..

by zognar12 October 17, 2022

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Flint Hills

1. A region of Kansas characterized by gently rolling hills, under which lie limestone and flint. Cattle, livestock, and not much else make up the population of the Flint Hills.

2. A term used to mean "nothing", due to the Flint Hills' barren status and the general boring feeling you get when driving I-35 or I-70 through them.

1. Yeah, we're driving through the Flint Hills right now. You can tell because there are no towns for 50 miles in any direction.

2. J: Hey, man, what's up?
T: Ah, Flint Hills, you?
J: Ditto. Flint Hills is happenin' around here.

by RobinGoodfellow December 31, 2011

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A person who was raised in the rural areas surrounding Birmingham. Hill-brummies are often mistaken for the regular urban-brummie; who, in turn, thinks the hill-brummie sounds like a hick.

Know the hill-brummie by the use of β€˜please’ and β€˜thank-you’ during conversation; an appreciation for how food gets to the table; and the uncanny ability to sense a combine harvester working, from as much as 5 miles away.

Brummie 1 - β€˜Ark at dat hill-brummie’
Brummie 2 - β€˜How can yow tell?’
Brummie 1 - β€˜ He’s wearin wellies up Town!’

by Mr Babadook August 27, 2019

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mr hill

the best teacher ever

mr hill is a best

by Iceghost3392 February 18, 2021

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Silent Hill

Receiving a Blowjob under a blanket from a girl, but she must be quiet hence, the blanket is a silent hill

Girl give me a "Silent Hill," whats a silent hill? Just go under the blanket and be quiet when you give me some head, hence a silent hill.

by Cnspire83 September 1, 2008

10πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

harry hill

A REALLY unfunny 'comedian' whose jokes are all scripted and badly delivered.
He also has a really annoyin squint and has his head up his own arse.

That Harry Hill's TV Burp is on, you wanna watch it.
Nah, cos its shite!

by tom smith March 10, 2005

22πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž

strawberry hills

strawberry hills is used for street drug cald crack

you i want a bigg ass pack of strawberry hills

by XXXXXX April 9, 2005

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