Source Code

pit person

That person you want to throw in the creepy well you just so happen to have in your backyard, Silence of the Lambs style.

That kid John is so obsessed with Marie, she's definitely his pit person.

by fockey123 March 25, 2016

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

trendy person

A trendy person is someone who is down with the latest fashion and style.

Linda Fernandez is a trendy person, who smiles with two thumbs up at how trendy she is!

by Ants124 November 14, 2007

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Person Of Interest

See shit.

Friday: Sung by robot

My Moment: Tries too hard

Person Of Interest: Fantasising Justin Gayber

by likeordie November 17, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

broken person

A person who is more than just fucked up someone who has had their heart broken and it is broken beyond repair. Someone so fucked up they would go back to the person who made them so broken and do it all over again

A broken person is someone you want to run for the hills if you come in contact with them.

by BNB30 January 22, 2018

22๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

dog person

a stupid idiot who is too dumb to see that cats are better

emmallyiie: iโ€™m a dog person!
shawn: go kys cats are better

by my french teacher is a bitch March 17, 2021

17๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

homeless person

1. A person who has lost their livelihood due to some unfortunate circumstance in their life (usually ASSUMED to be drug-related), and no longer has a home.

2. A politically-correct, "vanilla", description of someone who has been kicked on their ass by a narcissistic society.

3. Something that wouldn't exist if people ACTUALLY cared about people other than themselves.

Passer-by 1: Hey, look at that homeless person over there! Must be a crackhead!

Passer-by 2: Hey I've seen her before...she used to work down at the homeless shelter before they closed down!

by Squiggly May 8, 2013

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Mr. Personality

a term used to describe a male who presents stellar wit and persona but is ugly, fat, or in general - undesirable for sex. They usually end up in the "friend zone."

The origin is a song called "Mr. Personality" by 20 Fingers. A pseudo one-hit wonder.

they call you mr personality because you're so ugly
they call you mr personality because you're so ugly
you're so ugly
mr personality, you're so ugly
mr personality, you're so ugly
mr personality, you're so ugly

when i look at you i go outta my mind,
its like im lookin at someones behind.
you make the children scream and babys cry,
with your crusty teeth and your bloodshot eyes.
you're so ugly, your dad hadda tie a porkchop around your neck just to get the dog to play witcha
ooh thats ugly.

by Drew Down February 27, 2008

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