It could be taken negatively or positively depending on how your day went but it's the feeling after you had a really bad day or a really good day and you just lay down and melt away but at the same time become whole again. You disconnect with the world and connect with yourself.
I'm feeling sand/Sandy because I need to get more connected with myself. It's the feeling when you lay down and disconnect yourself from the work which makes you commect more to yourself.
To be overwhelmed with work, or a lot of small tasks that seem never ending.
Person 1: Hey You busy?
Person 2: I'll say, I'm deep in Aladdin's sand right now!
Being overwhelmed with work or tasks that seem to never end.
Person 1: Hey you finish counting those tooth picks?
Person 2: No I'm deep in Aladdin's sand.
a subgenre of classic gothic style or contemporary street wear in entirely beige, white or sunbleached colors.
in the third resident evil movie, Milla is looking so sand goth.
Boring man, dry like sand.
Likes alternative bitches
Stop being so boring! You're just like Mattias Sand
a really nice guy that is low key really cute but he will never like you so stop trying