Source Code

Code Brown

When a incredibly toxic fart is released, especially when released inside of a building. It is very similar to Code Red or Code Blue. When you hear someone say Code Brown, do not inhale.

PA speaker: Code Brown! We have a Code Brown! DO NOT INHALE!

by creamygoodness3620 October 18, 2019

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code mary

A crazy person. Legit insane

Whoa, turn the corner, Code Mary is walking towards us.

by Daddyzgurl October 9, 2015

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Uncle Code

A binding code between you and your uncle which requires you to keep all secrets between eachother. Telling anyone will result in all trust being lost and possible punishment.

Uncle Dan: β€œI like TU4, but don’t tell anyone”
Niece Gen: β€œOf course I won’t. That’s what uncle code is for”

by LatinaBoo2002 March 6, 2019

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google codes

The Konami Code (Japanese: γ‚³γƒŠγƒŸγ‚³γƒžγƒ³γƒ‰, Konami komando, "Konami command") a cheat code that appears in many google domains for video, games, business, browser controls, and imformational sections 1 although the code also appears in some non-google domains.2

any codes entered in your web browser to gain special access to information within/on the google domain

google codes any software code that appears in many google domains for video, games, business, browser controls, and informational sections 1 the code also appears in some non-google domains.2 codes entered in your web browser to gain special access to information within/on the google domain code also appears in some non-google domains.3

by bizgomobile.com November 6, 2016

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Code Grey

Code Grey means when ever you have a plan to take action on a target that deserves punishment.

Hey, Johnny I saw him come round the block. Code Grey.

by YaBoiCon February 7, 2020

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source code

The most valuable commodity in a software development firm, often a target of thieves, called script-kidies.

Hey, send me those source code in a 1024-trillion-bit-password-protected zip file via our secured line.

by Billy Gate January 24, 2004

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Konami Code

The Konami Code is a cheat code that appears in many Konami video games, although the code also appears in some non-Konami games. The saying is: "Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start."

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start. The Konami Code is a cheat code that appears in many Konami video games, although the code also appears in some non-Konami games

by -_unknown-_user_- November 19, 2015

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