A lesbian who gives that good strap.
Usually are studs or masculine.
I heard Jojo Siwa is a strap-on warrior. Her girl was limping out the front door last night.
Rednecks who act hard because they believe Donald trump is gonna start a war but wear masks in wallmart
I’m tired of these civil warriors acting tough
We are high testosterone gym bro’s.
TesTosTerone Warrior? you mean those buff gym bro’s?!
Someone who takes it upon themselves to walk around and tell people off if they're too close
I had this social distance warrior have a go at us because we were too close together
The warrior of nyash...
The nyash is the sacred treasure to which the nyash warrior has been highly trained in order to receive this treasure.
Person one: "Yo nyash warrior , hows your training going"
Person two: "I never die for nyash, NYASH WARRIOR"
"Ego Warrior" is a play on the phrase "Eco Warrior". It aptly describes those who selflessly 'save the planet', and get a bit of an ego boost in the process. An ego warrior typically likes to point out their heroic feats to everyone within earshot - drawing attention to their sacrifice - and thereby emphasising how little other mere mortals are doing.
Newman chained himself to some machinery this morning - and is now wearing an adult nappy, as he's not sure when the filth are coming to bolt-cut him off! Newman is such an ego warrior.
1. Someone who is always walking and never drives.
2. Someone who has no means of transportation
Samuel is a P2 Warrior he always walking