A person who doesn't/can't poop when someone is another cubicle.
Dave has a shy Anus and needs to wait for the toilet to be empty
The act of making a salad but instead of using a bowl you use the man's asshole.
Yo that was a killer party last night and that anus salad was a double wide surprise.
An Anus Rip is when you are having intercourse and then decided to stick an alto partially into the rectum, then proceed to take a big juicy rip from the protruding alto device
“Hey babe, make sure you squeeze tight for this Anus Rip”
the cat is doing that, skibidi
I want some Jizz cum in my anus in ohio RIGHT NOW!
1👍 7👎
Pronounced: (Puss’ ar’ nuss)
A man having troubles with a bleeding anus, typically from haemorrhoids.
Boss i cant come into work today my Puss-anus is really bad.
The posterior sphincter of an animal that has been preserved in vinegar.
"Sacre bleu, did you just say Pickled Anus?
The taste in your mouth when eating citrus immediately after drinking milk.
GD man, my mouth tastes like chemical anus.