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Normal: The onomateopeia of a water droplet hitting the ground

Urban: Fashion that is deemed very acceptable to a large group of people

Normal: "Did you see the water drip?"

Urban: "Bro you stole my fuckin drip!"

by yogha May 9, 2023


cool fit

i got the drip no cap

by mc in the place to be January 16, 2020


Slang term for the highly psychedelic substance Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)

Friend 1: ‘Yo how did your new extract tech work out?’

Friend 2: ‘The drip came out nice.’

by Gigmx December 22, 2022


The nasty taste you get in the back of your throat after snorting some white. You can keep swallowing, but, like a leaky faucet, the taste keeps dripping down into the back of your throat.

Bro 1: "Fuck, I knew I shouldn't have done snorted that line, the drip is so bad"

Bro 2: "Honestly, shit tastes like straight paint."

by ohyump April 5, 2022