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Crazy like a Fox

an individual whose actions are unpredictable; they can be cunning (or at least like to think that they are) and a bit sneaky. Not to be confused with batshit crazy, though ingestion of alcohol and other narcotic substances can lead to the "fox" in question to lose the ability to disguise their craziness and indeed become a crazy freaking maniac

George: "thank you. you're welcome. thank you. you're welcome. thank you. you're welcome"
Andrew: "you're batshit crazy!"
George: "no way, man- I'm Crazy like a Fox."

by antimyrmidon April 6, 2011

90πŸ‘ 202πŸ‘Ž

fox sports net

The stoopid network that blacks out my local HI-Definition broadcast during hockey season. Good for people that are still forced to watch low def sports.

Damn you Fox Sports Network, go pedal your low-def analog signal somewhere else!

by Karl Hungus November 5, 2004

7πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

michael j foxing

The act of shaking or getting the shakes/shivers.

Dude: Yo its so cold outside Man
Bro: Yeah no doubt i was michael j foxing

by Dizza March 15, 2006

35πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

Nine tailed fox

While your fucking a girl and you’re about to cum yell β€œthis is the power of the nine tailed fox” and then shoot a load in him/her

β€œBro last night was great I like totally gave her the nine tailed fox”

by No me nam December 2, 2020

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Megan Fox weather

Very hot and unpleasant. Steamy hot.

In the wake of one of the worst heat waves on record, Florida can expect Megan Fox weather to continue through the weekend.

by geetee6 August 23, 2010

11πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Pinching with the index and middle finger on a dog to piss it off and make it bite the shit out of you.

Dude I gave Maxie a stick-en-fox and she made my fingers bleed.

by Pickle dickle November 22, 2009

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Michael J Fox

An extremely rapid handjob.

It started off slow, but Nancy hit him with the Michael J Fox and he came instantaneously.

by DamDanny April 11, 2021

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