Source Code


Big daddy

Cody is a big daddy

by Noaoim November 24, 2021


Oblong shaped testicles and loves hairy black dudes

That dude is definitely a Cody

by Sexcboi22 December 26, 2022


When you click select all on the character creator screen.

"What gender are you?"
"I'm a Cody."
"What's a Cody?"
"It's when I decided that I want so many pronouns, tags, religions, etc, that none of them have meaning."
"Ah, so you want to be different."

by Codyn't February 9, 2022


Cody is a short pig that likes to talk about Lakers in 2020 he must be stuck in the past or something.

Cody is a very small man who vapes and only talks about Lakers history when they had a good team.

by Samuel is goated June 15, 2022


Cody is fucking ugly

Cody is fucking ugly.

by cody.syros on insta October 19, 2019


A man who deserves a booty picture

A booty pic a day is all a Cody needs to be happy

by Bugballa23 February 8, 2023


Cody is a man who has an amazing heart and a beautiful soul regardless of all the scars on both. Cody has a sense of humor that could make a troll laugh but also a sincerity that will take your breathe away. Cody loves to have his head rubbed, taking showers with you and will always please you in bed. Cody is hardworking and determined but also likes to gamble. He is an amazing father and the best friend you could ever have.

Every since I met Cody, my life has been so wonderful.

by Shaody June 14, 2022